MTAC offers a range of consulting services:
Use Of Restraint On Individuals
If your organisation has to deal with individuals with challenging behaviours that put others at risk, you may want to consider if your staff are in a position to maintain their own safety and that of the individual. The use of restraint techniques to manage an unsafe situation may be a consideration. MTAC can help ascertain if this is applicable, and if so assist in the development and training of restraint techniques.
Mental Health Advice
With 20 years experience in mental health nursing, Stuart is able to provide advice on mental health, mental health practice and care delivery. Stuart has provided a variety of workshops to organisations overviewing general mental health issues. He is experienced in reviewing care delivery, and has also provided opinions (in the form of Expert Witness) to the Health and Disability Commission during disciplinary Proceedings.
Inter-Agency Meeting Facilitation
There are times where multiple agencies have to deal with a common denominator, which at times results in service gaps, or friction between services. Facilitated meetings can be away for agenda items to be discussed and possible pathways to progressing issues identified.
Mental Health Support
Stuart also offers private mental health support to individuals, families or friends of those with mental health issues.
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